Lukisan LIII – 153 Different Fishes
March 21, 2019
53rd Painting
Title : 153 Different Fishes
Painter : L.S. ‘16 (L. Sugiri SJ, 2016)
Acrylic on Canvas : 90 x 70 cm
Explanation : According to a well known encyclopedia, at the time of Jesus there lived 153 different fishes in the lake of Galilee. Who could be more surprised than the apostles, who lived from their profession as fishermen, who would know all the secrets of fishing in that lake. The whole night before they had cached nothing. And know obeying in faith the strange command of Jesus, they cached from all the 153 different species one exemplar! Wow! (John 21:9-11).
Lukisan ke-53
Judul : 153 Ikan Yang Berbeda-beda
Pelukis : L.S. ‘15 (L. Sugiri SJ, 2016)
Akrilik di Kanvas : 90 cm x 70 cm
Penjelasan : Menurut ensiklopedia terkenal, di zaman Yesus hidup ada 153 jenis ikan yang ada di danau Galilea. Para rasul yang hidup dari profesi mereka sebagai nelayan, mengetahui semua rahasia memancing di danau itu dan merasa sangat kagum. Sepanjang malam mereka berusaha menjala ikan dan tidak mendapatkan seekorpun. Setelah menaati dalam iman perintah aneh Yesus, mereka mendapatkan 153 spesies ikan yang berbeda, masing-masing satu eksemplar! Wow! (Yoh 21:9-11).