Lukisan CXXVI – The Sign of Jonah
May 8, 2019
126th Painting
Title : The Sign of Jonah
Painter : L.S. ’17 (L. Sugiri SJ, 2017)
Acrylic on Canvas : 70 x 90 cm
Explanation : The prophet Jonah was sent by God to go to Niniveh. Initially he refused to go there. But after that he went anyway, when he was sleeping at the bottom of the ship, there came a very big storm. The ship nearly capsized. So the marines cast the lots, to know the culprit. It was Jonah, so they threw him into the sea, and the storm calmed down. A big fish swallowed Jonah and on the third day put him on the shore of Niniveh. There he started to preach for repentance to avoid the punishment of God. The whole city repented. It reminds us about Jesus. Jesus would also be swallowed by the earth, but arise on the third day. This sign of Jonah was given by Jesus to the Scribes (Mat 12:38-45)
Lukisan ke-126
Judul : Tanda Nabi Yunus
Pelukis : L.S. ’17 (L. Sugiri SJ, 2017)
Akrilik di Kanvas : 70 x 90 cm
Penjelasan : Nabi Yunus diutus Allah untuk pergi ke kota Ninive. Pada awalnya nabi Yunus menolak untuk pergi ke sana. Namun setelah ia melarikan diri, ketika ia tertidur di bagian bawah, terjadi suatu angin badai yang membahayakan kapal. Para pelaut membuang undi untuk mengetahui, siapa yang menyebabkan dewa-dewa marah. Ternyata Yunus, jadi ia dilempar ke laut, dan badai berhenti. Seekor ikan besar menelan Yunus dan pada hari ketiga Yunus dimuntahkan di pantai Ninive. Di sana ia mulai mengajar agar orang bertobat, untuk menghindari hukuman dari Allah. Seluruh kota Ninive bertobat. Kisah Yunus mengingatkan kita tentang Yesus. Yesus juga ditelan oleh perut bumi dan pada hari ketiga bangkit. Inilah tanda Yunus yang diberikan Yesus kepada orang Farisi (Mat 12:38-45).