Lukisan CXIII – I Forgive Your Sins
April 26, 2019
113rd Painting
Title : I Forgive Your Sins
Painter : L.S. ‘16 (L. Sugiri SJ, 2016)
Acrylic on Canvas : 70 x 90 cm
Explanation : Four young men brought their lame friend to Jesus. They believed that Jesus would heal him. But the place was crowded, they could not come near to Jesus. So they opened the rooftop and slowly let their friend descend in front of Jesus. Jesus admired their faith, and wanted to heal the man. Jesus saw his mind and healed him with spiritual healing, “I forgive your sins.” The pharisees were furious. For them this was blasphemy. But Jesus challenged them, He said to the lame man, “Stand up and go home.” He stood up, healed, and went home. All the people praised the Lord for his marvelous deed through Jesus (Mat 9:1-14).
Lukisan ke-113
Judul : Aku Mengampuni Dosamu
Pelukis : L.S. ’16 (L. Sugiri SJ, 2016)
Akrilik di Kanvas : 70 x 90 cm
Penjelasan : Ada empat orang membawa temannya yang lumpuh kepada Yesus. Mereka percaya bahwa Yesus akan menyembuhkannya. Tetapi mereka tidak bisa masuk ke rumah di mana Yesus mengajar. Oleh karena itu, mereka membulatkan tekad, naik ke atap, membongkarnya dan menurunkan teman yang lumpuh itu di depan Yesus. Yesus mengagumi iman mereka, lalu mengampuni dosa dan memberikan penyembuhan rohani kepada si lumpuh. Orang-orang Farisi marah, menilai Yesus menghujat Allah. Yesus menyuruh orang lumpuh itu berdiri dan pulang. Semua orang memuji Allah karena mukjizat yang dilakukan Yesus (Mat 9:1-14).